Pediatrics Curriculum Maps

Curriculum maps are tools that assist a teacher with organizing the content to be delivered to a student during a period of time. They provide an overview of overarching goals, essential concepts and skills to be mastered by the learner, curriculular methods and resources to be used, and learner assessments to be employed. For the student, they can be helpful in understanding the overall educational process and the teacher’s expectations.

We have taken the content components of national pediatric medical education curricula and have mapped their content components to the cases found in, thus creating content curriculum maps for different learners (e.g. medical students, pediatric residents, family medicine residents, etc.).

As is not specifically designed to meet the educational needs of any one of these curricula, there may be few or no cases associated with a particular content component. We expect that these deficiencies will be remedied over time as the content in expands. Please also see our case archives or use the search function.

Curriculum Map for Pediatric Residents Modified from the American Board of Pediatrics

Curriculum Map for Pediatric Residents from the Academic Pediatric Association

Curriculum Map for Family Practice Residents from the American Academy of Family Physicians

Curriculum Map for Pediatric Emergency Medicine Fellows from the Children’s Hospital in Boston, Massachusetts

Curriculum Map for Medical Students’ Pediatric Education from COMSEP

Curriculum Map for Medical Students from the University of Iowa

For other potential educational uses of cases, see Educational Uses.